Welcome back, children, to the Horribilorum Sorcery Academy for Witty Witches and Wizards. We’ve been doing some renovations, as you can see. New, shiny, sturdy halls and equipment, and much larger lecture halls. We can now handle more students, and we’ve even brought in a new potion ingredient for you to learn about. So, get out your notebooks and writing quills. It’s time to get studying.
The Potion Explosion: The 6th Student expansion brings several new elements to your games of Potion Explosion. Starting out, there’s a pre-assembled plastic dispenser for the Ingredient marbles which includes a storage tray for between games. There’s also rules for having up to 6-player games, letting everyone in on the fun. Last, but certainly not least, there’s a new Ingredient, the Mandragora, as well as new Potions to brew. This will be a school year like no other.