Grordhelm Uprising, a realm torn apart by war, has an ancient secret ready to be uncovered.
This brand new core set from Akora TCG will provide players with new types of Akora; featuring brand new effects to truly take gameplay to the next level! After the exciting events of Afelium Unleashed, it is time to continue your journey in the world of Ikithia, Alchemist!
Grordhelm Uprising is a dynamic new set that brings a plethora of new strategies to enhance the Akora TCG gameplay. An array of new Alchemy and Akora effects will see not just new tactics be formed but help support older decks and attributes to find a new foothold in the battle for supremacy.
Each Akora TCG: Grordhelm Uprising Theme Deck display contains one 50 card deck from 2 unique attributes, for a total of 6 theme decks per display. With returning exclusive chase cards found only in theme decks! This is the easiest way for players to get their hands on a ready-to-play deck and help enhance or start their journey of becoming master alchemists.