The heart of the game is a clever mechanism using a combination of action slots and development cards. The players.take-turns playing cards into action slots; sometimes for the action of the slot, sometimes for the action of the cards. If played strategically, the players can receive a bonus for the card matching the slot. Balancing these strategic choices is the key to building the best underwater habitat, allowing humanity to thrive.
1-4 players
Ages 13+
90 minute play time
Game board
180 Era cards
83 Resource tokens
30 Domes
47 Tunnel tiles
16 Metropolis tiles
111 Structure tokens
4 Player info cards
4 Player boards
4 Scoring cards
4 Assistant cards
4 Multiplier tiles
12 Action tiles
Action cloning tile
Era marker
12 player markers
8 Government contracts
25 Special cards
35 Credit tokens